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Lookah Q7

Lookah Q7

Lookah Q7 is a portable electric dab nail professionally designed for wax as a compact enail banger....

  • Product Code: 817393029798
  • Availability: 12


Lookah Q7 is a portable electric dab nail professionally designed for wax as a compact enail banger.

It features a double-layer quartz coil with patented technology and has cold start technology, real-time temperature control that all combine to ensure the purest and smoothest taste for enail dabbing possible.

The Q7 was the first of its kind to apply a quartz heating chamber with a temperature sensor, this provides the real temperature setting so you can get every molecule of flavor and goodness from your concentrates.  Its compact size makes this high-quality device one of the most portable e nails so you can take your dabbing experience on the go.

it comes in various colors.